The length of the contribution is a maximum of 10 pages in A4 format, including images.
Author Guidelines
Formatting Guidelines
Prepare the contribution using Microsoft Word (file extensions .doc or .docx).
- Use Times New Roman font size 12 in the text.
- Do not number the pages.
- Use single line spacing.
- Format A4 (21 x 29.7 cm), with a bottom margin of 1.5 cm, a top margin of 2.5 cm, and left and right margins of 2 cm.
- Chapter headings (numbered with whole numbers – e.g., 1).
- Subsections should be numbered as 1.1, 1.2, 1.1.1, etc.
- Do not allow tables, images, graphs, and photographs to wrap around text. Insert them on a new line at the desired location and continue the text below.
Preparation of Contributions
Prepare your submission in the following order:
1/ Title of the submission
- 2/ Last name, first name of the author (e.g., NOVÁK Petr 1, NOVÁK Jan 2)
- V případě více autorů uveďte laskavě jméno přednášejícího na prvním místě
- 1 Company – Institution Name
- 2 Company – Institution Name
- 1 email, 2 email
2/ Abstract
3/ Content: including introduction and conclusion (in addition to summarizing the content of the contribution, please include any acknowledgments and the names of the authors with titles).
4/ References: Use literature in accordance with the ČSN ISO 690 (01 0197) standard, effective from April 1, 2011.
Submission of Materials
Submit the text file, including images, in both PDF and Microsoft Word formats. Ensure that images, graphs, etc., are sent in sufficient quality.
- Submit the contribution electronically by October 31, 2024, to [email protected]. After this date, your presentation will be included in the proceedings in PowerPoint format.
- The file can be sent compressed in ZIP or RAR format.
- If the file is larger than 10MB, please send the contribution via a chosen online storage service.
Language and Editorial Editing
The submitted text will not undergo linguistic or editorial revision; therefore, please ensure its high-quality preparation. The author is responsible for factual and graphic accuracy.
Submission Deadline
Please submit your contribution electronically by October 31, 2024, to the email address [email protected].